History of instant coffee
Instant coffee has more than 107 years is not something new, but it has made by Japanese scientists who don't like to make own coffee. The coffee taste is very different, but sometime dark and sometime fade. He made coffee maker boil once much more coffee. And keep drink several times. by make a lot of coffee and after that make coffee for sublimate or make coffee water for coffee powder. This method is called spray dried. This is the most revolutionary coffee. It easy to make the cup of coffee, not as complicated as the old. The production of instant coffee it is widely popular throughout the world quickly.
But this process make loss of coffee aroma as the most important features of coffee. Until about 30 years ago European scientists are developing make the coffee water for coffee powder by cold temperature scales. This method is called freezdry for remain aroma of coffee. Of course this process operating coste expensive than traditional is spray dried. Most instant coffee sold in the market is from spray dried triple.
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